If My Love Has Gone Away To Write Poetry

I Laugh Therefore I Am Poetry

What am I going to do
if my love has gone away

Who will let me cry silly
until we laugh together
because it is ridiculous
that we’d not see
how perfect our
comedy of errors is.

I laugh
therefore I am, and
we were hysterically happy

because we were funny
when we remembered how
we caught each other in a fall

Don’t be gone
Be my joy
Be my love

Don’t be dead:
I command it, because
there is one joke
I haven’t yet told you

What am I going to do
if my love has gone away
without laughing

You Don’t Love Me Anymore

Never Have I Been Loved

Only I know
you don’t love me anymore

And I am a convenience
a generous lie

Yes, you think
you know me
like a body knows a heart

But it’s not the beats
not the syncopation, no
you have never loved my song

A song to touch you
a song to love you, and
I always thought
you loved me because
you loved my lullaby, but

it’s not only sleep I crave;
I want you to know my story,
and I would hear yours,
if you’d be honest.

Only I know
you don’t love me
just because I’m me

I know for sure
you don’t love me anymore.

Коли пісня вибухає

Коли пісня вибухає
Link to English Version

Деякі в притулку кажуть :
Лариса марення, оскільки…
— Вона каже, що її немовля, Людмила,
в бурхливі вуглину, хоче почути її батька
заспівати її, зачарувати
востаннє, і
зіграти для неї на віолончелі
бо вона буде музикантом
і в щасливі часи в утробі матері
почув тихий віолончель кохання
а для інших біблія:
«Моїй сестрі, я сторож?»

Ми всі воїни, каже вона
а Панас потребує мене до
любити кожну його пісню,
потребує моїх рук до
спочивай на струнах його серця
перебирання його ноти
щоб ми співали мелодію миру

Деякі в притулку кажуть :
Лариса маревний, і щоб помилувати
вона повинна залишитися, щоб захистити свою дитину.

Коли віолончель грає сама без оператора
це ділиться музикою, як гроза болю

Хоробрий музикант Панас
стояв на кутку
тримаючи пістолет,
дивлячись збуджений
дивлячись навколо
агонія сама в
печаль і смуток,
Panas поодинці
з його віолончель

За кілька хвилин підійшов танк
дюймів від його носа, щось на зразок того.
Оператор танка відкрив люк
дивився прямо на нього, але
не бачив нічого твердого.

але проти страху привидів,
він скандував путінську мантру
як вибриків диявола
і втік.

Тоді одна ракета потрапила на розі вулиці, але
— підтримав віолончель Панас
і інструмент грав «Моє кохання близько».

Лариса, його дружина,
який все ще обіймав Людмилу,
його світла дитина,
втекла з притулку
щоб почути чарівну музику.

Павло, російський диверсант
побачив Ларису і Людмилу, націлив рушницю
і він їх розстріляв
як довбаний ідіот
перетворився на демонську покидьок

Коли Панас торкнувся лука
всі струни полетіли і замотали
несподівано навколо голої шиї Павла, і
трагедія блукає, як прокляття.

віолончель все ще вірно грає плаче
посеред фонтану перфузія сліз
і безголове тіло блукає безцільно
тому що воно втрачено там марно
де злі духи кричать

загублені душі

Все одно, Людмила
все ще бовкнути як a
дитячий дух війни
хто хоче почути
чарівна віолончель її батька.

Діти світу
заспівай їй колискову бо
солодка любов – це пісня
що настроює струни кохання
за веселий акорд уві сні

Меморандуми ангелів:
мертві кличуть вас співати
до нового поколювання
мелодія, і
втікати пропаганди,
зла какофонія

Знущайтеся з цього сварливого імператора, гнилого вовка
нібито грецький бог у російському одязі
який вважає Росію своєю трофейною дружиною,
а злі сирени — його коханки на горілчаних скелі

Вкрасти одяг імператора
і залиште це бризкання старим
Влад Сталінович Путник посадка та горіння
як космічний супутник
що впав у пекло вогняне.

Een cello neemt wraak

Gedichten overlijden


“Wanneer een lied explodeert in Oekraïne” (Conceptversie [1])
   van Rasmus K. Robot
    Een vertaling van een gedicht van Douglas Gilbert.

Sommigen in de schuilkelder zeggen:
Larysa heeft waanvoorstellingen omdat…
ze zegt haar baby Lyudmyla
wil haar vader horen
zing haar in slaap
nog een laatste keer, en
speel zijn cello voor haar
omdat ze een muzikant zal zijn
en in gelukkige tijden in de baarmoeder
hoorde een zachte cello van liefde

We zijn allemaal krijgers zegt ze
en Panas heeft me nodig
om van elk nummer van hem te houden, om te voelen
mijn handen op zijn hart snaren
om zijn elke noot te plukken tot
we zingen een melodie van vrede

Sommigen in de schuilkelder zeggen:
Larysa heeft waanvoorstellingen, en
ze moet blijven om haar baby te beschermen.

Als een cello zichzelf speelt,
het is de muziek van de pijn.

De straatmuzikant Panas
stond op een hoek
een pistool vasthouden

Een tank kwam binnen enkele centimeters van zijn gezicht.
Een bestuurder opende het luik maar
hem recht aankeek
zag niets.

Een raket raakte de hoek, maar
Panas ondersteunde zijn cello
en het speelde “My Love Is Near.”

Larysa, zijn vrouw, wie hield nog steeds vast
Lyudmyla, zijn kind,
liep weg van
de schuilkelder
om de muziek te horen.

Pavel, een Russische saboteur
zag de twee, richtte zijn geweer
en hij schoot ze dood.

Toen Panas de boog aanraakte
alle snaren vlogen weg en wikkelden zich in
onverwacht om de nek van Pavel

de cello speelt nog steeds zichzelf
in het midden van een fontein van tranen
en een lichaam zonder hoofd dwaalt doelloos rond
omdat het verloren is.

Verloren zielen

Maar Lyudmyla
huilt nog steeds als een
baby geest van oorlog
wie wil het horen
de cello van haar vader.

Kinderen van de wereld
zing haar een slaapliedje

De doden roepen naar jou
om een ​​nieuw deuntje te zingen, en
hoor niet de tiran’s
naakte propaganda

Bespot deze keizer
een vermeende Griekse god in Russische kleding
die denkt dat Rusland zijn trofeevrouw is,
en de Sirenen zijn zijn minnaressen

Steel de kleren van de keizer
en laat dit sputterende oud
Vlad Stalinovich Putnik naar
crash en verbrand
als een zwakke Spoetnik
wie viel in het vuur van de hel.

She’s Sleeping Around (Draft 1)

She’s said she’s busy ’cause
she’s seeing stars and applauding.

I think she’s seeing
someone named James Webb
but I’ve never seen that actor on the web, or
in the Cannes film festival, and now I’ve
overheard her say she’s sleeping with the stars

I thought she gave up her acting career.

Yeah, before she became an astronomer
she was an actress, and had a few parts
but didn’t want to sleep with any directors

Now she says she’s in love with the stars.
I think we have to break up now
because she says this James Webb guy
is giving her the big bang

If she comes back
I’ll give her the big bang


I’m sorry your wine glasses
are all broken, and you’ve
had too many tears spilled
in intoxicated faux love

sorry that
kissing you in the shower
and jumping on your bed
doesn’t bring a breakthrough
because we don’t talk much
like shy kids who can’t
seem to grow up
except for
you know what
and we don’t need babies
except for ourselves,
so baby, talk to me
like a librarian in
the romance section
with an index of love, and
read me a lullaby and
I’ll rock you to sleep

My Poetry Is Empty Because I’m Asleep

I Forget

So yes the end is near I know,
even if no Angel has even
deigned to cajole me to matter
like on a cable show, and
I don’t have a good and interesting
psychopathic profile to investigate

No blood stains of consequence.
No DNA to match.
Just a unique defect that
doesn’t match any other soul.

Such a big loneliness engulfs me, and
I’m already forgetting how many rejections
have made a suffocating envelope of
plastic pseudo-tolerance of me
as if I were human
as if I were not a

I am tired of talking to myself because
I’ve heard it before, and
I don’t know if
I’m invisible or
empty, because

I don’t yet hear
the whispers of truth
that I am nothing
to comment on, and

I think I’d rather
go to sleep, and
hope I don’t wake up again
with cravings to seek you
the only love I ever had, because

I love you.

And yeah, I know it’s silly;
and yeah I know you never existed, so
to nobody in particular:

The High Price of Gasoline Again: Poetry Edit.

A milder version of this called “Gas Station Owner” was written around July 10, 2008.

Today’s Edit (2022). I don’t know if this version is better or worse.

The Price a Gas Station Owner Pays

The price is set from on high;
the price is too high,
yeah, we know, we know.

The detectives took the swabs,
made the photos. We’re
allowed to wash the blood
off the gas pumps

The Newspaper gleefully
took pictures of the death graffiti,

graffiti to dishonor my wife.
Art critics called it “price gouger”:
daring neo-Marxist street art

Gasoline only earned us hate.
The kid hadn’t come in,
took the day off (too scared)

Cookies and crackers
made us
a little money —
customers think
we’re evil rich

The kid
didn’t show up for the night shift.

My wife took over:
thought her smile
would have to work
like a lightning sale
on an angel food cake,
potato chips, and special
candles for a birthday sale

The detectives took the swabs
made the crime scene photos,
took samples. I’m
allowed to wash her blood
off the gas pumps

Put up a sign:
closed for
the high price of murder

The Medical Examiner soon
will make her into objet d’art pieces
until then…tragic drama

I can’t  bury her
until the critics name her,
a mob condemns her, and

I can’t bury her
until they pry me off her corpse
and close more oil wells for the cause

Best Free Verse Poems From Contemporary Poets: ” Grandma Knows a Spy from Wuhan “

Free Verse

    Oh no, not free verse. Gosh but, it’s not the end of the world if a poem doesn’t have end rhymes. An internal rhyme can cause just as much mischief if not more. And rhythm(?) — you’re not going to sing it out loud, are you?
    It’s not an ivy down-climbing crime if a poem is not abstract, not obtuse or loosely profound, or if it’s not approved by a fee University.
    Although, an occasional structured poem can occur with special permission and occur with the appropriate poetic license obtained from the secret authorities.

Douglas Gilbert

Wuhan Lab

[Now that it’s been established that Wuhan is the center of bio-weapons technology(by another name) implicitly supervised by the government, ‘accidental’ germ warfare can be said to have occurred. See:
The origin of COVID: Did people or nature open Pandora’s box at Wuhan? By Nicholas Wade | May 5, 2021].
    Grandma has a pen-pal who works in the Wuhan Lab who Grandma knew since the girl was a graduate student studying in the US.

Grandma Knows a Spy from Wuhan

In the clearings
hauntings inhere
dear unfinished things

They’ve finished cleaning
the blood off the floor of the salon

Grandma’s voice
screams in the night;
her pen pal is lost, yes

Grandma is dead.
her hair dresser too–
by video two funerals
and the autopsy is done
no toxins of the ordinary kind.

Everyone misses Grandma.
Many knew her faux pas cinema
— been odd times.

Grandma had a Chinese pen pal
a foreign medical student
passing the USMLE
passing the TOEFL and everything.
Her friend’s now a doctor
now a scientist.

Many times
Grandma was down in a funk:
Something about the Great Depression,
the War and the slaughter again.

So many screams in the night:
“Where is my Wuhan doctor girl?”

There is so much beauty yet
in the quixotic world: the
flowers and designs
on the body bags.

Grandma told us
days never come lightly
when the night overwhelms
before the elegant cry

Such beauty in a sad world
my Grandma always said, is
just decoration, and
she favored flower designs
on chic shopping bags

Let the designers rise to the task
to make pretty body bags
to rise to praise, and yea
by the dawn’s surly knights
oh hey can you see our deeds
in the corona of the Sun
particles of sunset and doom.

Everyone misses Grandma.
Many knew of her, some
knew her. It’s been odd times.

Grandma told wild stories.
Very entertaining. She was
not distant ever
regardless of rules

Grandma stabbed herself to death
with a scissor in a beauty salon, and
the owner was shot to death while
grabbing a policeman’s gun.
It’s the usual.

Grandma left me
a stack of papers
from the pal, now a doctor.
Grandma loved
her dear mystery friend
from Wuhan. She claimed
her friend worked in a laboratory.

I have the correspondence
written in Chinese, and
the blacklight she had
asked me to buy for her.

The letters came slowly
sometimes through Hong Kong
and Singapore, but sometimes
through Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan

Grandma was fond
of her Wuhan girl
as she called her.

Just before her death
she reminded me that
it wasn’t important
to read the beautiful
Chinese calligraphy
because it was unimportant

It was important to read
the invisible secret writing
written between the lines.

Read in the dark
she had said.

New letters continued
to come from the
missing Wuhan girl.

I read them in the dark
with the Black Light.

Apparently, Wuhan girl is
patient zero for the world, and
they are hunting for her

They finished cleaning
the blood off the floor of the salon

Replica Mariupol Amusement Park Satire & Poetry (Draft 2)

The Mariupol Replica Amusement Park Near Azovstal (draft 2)
[The Haunted House Tour (draft 2)]

Certain Russian Oligarchs love
dangerous amusement parks.

The chief always says
if one guest dies accidentally
you attain three with largesse.

The building that I guard and show
is part of a haunted house tour —
scares for a known fee — to
include a haunted mill in lore
at no abhorrent extra cost

I’m a night watchman here
with a healing sore throat, but
it’s my job at my steel works

I work the graveyard shift
that begins at midnight and
people incognito who buy tickets
find scary regrets and woes
for entertainment, lo

although my building is just a
derelict steel plant dump
I still scream for believers
when the ghosts show up
though not everyone sees them.

We sell more tickets when I cry.
It doesn’t actually take a lot of acting skill
because the children often say, oh
they want to see the sun, and
my wife, her Mother, and our precious Mikhaila
spoke about sunshine on a video
in a bunker, a while ago.

Sometimes I recite a psalm
to keep the customers calm,
and away from a mockery
I cajole them into not breaking
the apparition rules:

Never tell them it’s “The Light,”
and not the sun they should seek

Besides seeking the sun,
some children ask
where Mommy is.

It can be a problem when
a Mom comes for her child
and they disappear. Then
there can be a shortage of ghosts.

Sad, but in this exhibit
we must consult
“Putnik’s Manual for
The Promulgation of Accidents in War”

The chief always says
if one customer blows away,
you gain back three.
So an accident happens.
Cruise missiles apparently
can malfunction,
or there’s a strategic cave-in,
it is said.

Since we don’t make steel anymore
all of this is necessary, and
we need a land bridge to
the Devil’s headquarters.