The Furin Cleavage Site Welcomes Fauci

Fauci News
    by Douglas Gilbert

Some new exotic resorts have recently opened. A very exclusive one has begun operations in the Say Shell Islands. Celebrations have started.

The First Annual Fauci Festival At The Furin Cleavage Site

    The Corona Family Resort proudly welcomes Fauci our hero. Please join in our celebration and book signing of his classic work: “Accessory To A Million Murders.”
    All conspirators are welcome. We are located on the Say Shell Islands, an Archipelagic Republic. For your convenience, The Republic has no extradition treaty with any country. Your personal concierge will provide you with complimentary surveillance sweeps, room sterilization, and free money laundering service. Our most famous island is the Island of Dr. Moreau which is still available for vivisection studies, which although known for its pioneering studies of humanized mice, has advanced greatly since the 1895 studies of the H. T. Wells Institute.
    We have a fully equipped gym and laboratory located a short distance away from the Grand Spike Ballroom at the junction of S1 and S2 streets. Animals can be shipped at a reasonable price from The Island of Dr. Moreau. Humanized mice* that carry the human ACE2 protein that lines the airways are produced in unlimited quantities. Larger humanized animals can also be provided as pets.
    The amino acid sequence, proline-arginine-arginine-alanine, or PRRA is our pride and joy. With our infectious humor, it is what has made our viruses so happy to fuse with human lung cells. The PRRA sequence which is “the furin cleavage site” always giggles when the human furin, while cleaving, invites the virus to come inside. The dance of death is charming to watch. Tiglekso, don’t worry, ’bout a thing, every micro thing is gonna be reggae smooth.
    The islands of the archipelago provide many layers of security. Isolation can be provided for both political asylum and insane asylum, as well as retirement services and quick burial down an endless pit.


    During the festival there will be music, and the Inaugural Lecture from Mr. Science himself. The lecture will include the topics of propaganda, lobbying, intimidation, the technique of the layering of lies, commonly know as the “Fauci Lasagna” presentation, and the use of research grants as bribes.
     Samples of our finest cuisine will be served:
~ SayShell’s Fruit-Bat Curry
~ Fruit-bat Lasagna
~ Fauci Sardine Pancakes
~ Fauci Chicken With Bats

The Fauci Lasagna Linguistics

L’informatore ha parlato del sito di scissione del furin. Si scoprì che stava finendo nelle Fauci di un lupo.

Loosely speaking, “Fauci Lasagna” refers to the propaganda and obfuscation pronouncements of the grant-money prostitutes of the academic and scientific community. They generally forgo morality for the sake of their careers — The Shush Dictionary of Slang, 2019

From the Ancient Latin Hypocrite’s Oath & Swearing Poem

Poemata Imperatoris: Faucibus percurrit mendacium

Pestilentia decurrit per dona pecuniarum

Faucibus percurrit mendacium, pestilentia per dona pecuniarum,
Fauci culpa, Fauci mendacium.
Caesar Fauci iuvare morbum quaestum functionum quaerit.
A plena fauci lauda: O fauci Imperatoris salve!
Poems of the Emperor: A lie runs through his mouth

The plague runs through donations of money

Lies run through mouths, pestilence through gifts of money,
Fauci’s fault, Fauci’s lie.
Caesar Fauci seeks to help the disease gain functions.
Praise from a full throat: Hail, O throat of the Emperor!

The Corona Family Resorts Inc. Official Slogan

“Cave cantum in fauce Fauci Domini lasagna pro diabolo.”
Beware of the song in the throat of Lord Fauci’s lasagna for the devil.

If you receive an invitation, make your reservations now.

As explained in your invitation, the cost is very dear, but it’s well worth it. Remember that expression about the cost of buying a yacht: “If you have to ask the price, you can’t afford it.” Do not come directly to the main island. Leave your ship at the designated port and we will pick you up and transport you by submarine. We will also ship your luggage by different means. But keep in mind that this a long term commitment explained in the legal documents that you must sign.

Bon Voyage!

We will see you soon. It will be the best experience of your life and the most luxurious as long as you follow the rules.

*The Origin of COVID: Did People or Nature Open Pandoras Box At Wuhan
**Fauci Gives False Testimony
*** The Creole Melting Pot
H.G. Wells, The Island of Doctor Moreau, A Possibility, 1896, New York, Stone & Kimball, MDCCCXCVI.

3 thoughts on “The Furin Cleavage Site Welcomes Fauci

  1. You have successfully skewered Fauci mercilessly. Congratulations, Doug.

    A while back, you used to comment on my blog, … and your comments were great. I would like to make you a deal. If you will post REGULARLY I will throw in hefty comments where I review what you’ve written, give praise when warranted, and suggest improvements when called for. Basically, you’ve got a commenter for life in me.

    In return, I want you to do the same for me. Comment, comment, comment! The longer, the more often, the better. If you don’t want to work regularly on your blog, then come to my site and comment ANYWAY … don’t chicken out and drop off the online community face of the earth.

    I hope to exchange fruitful comments with you, Doug. I never forgot you.

    — Greg (I changed my online name back to my birth name)


  2. I came to your site to see if you’d written anything new for me to comment on. Nothing yet, but I’ll keep checking.

    THANK YOU for the extended comment you left at … I replied to it at length, and will continue to do so.

    Let’s keep commenting!


    1. I may be converting some old long narrative poems into short stories since they’ve gotten out of control, and except for taking out line breaks and adding punctuation they’re nearly already done. But I think that could be a waste of time. I really should finish my conlang and get on with re-doing my blog-diary novel. Or not. It’ll be a while.


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