Latin QOTD for Monday

Can you write a poem about this quote?

Noli bibere aquam dulcem cantare e faucibus,lasagna carmina de labiis mendacibus tuis.

erratum quod demonstrandum
a mistake that needs to be pointed out

It is a tradition to use Latin in legal writing, because the educated of medieval Europe used Latin and Greek to recover lost learning after the annihilation of libraries and the translation of lost knowledge from Arabic to Latin.

Latin legal terms continue to be a tradition.

Famous Quotations In Latin As Poetry Prompts

Famous Latin Phrases Can Be Inspiration for Poetry

Noli bibere aquam dulcem cantare e faucibus,lasagna carmina de labiis mendacibus tuis*

~ [Don’t drink the Kool-aid and eat the Fauci Lasagna] ~
From the throat of the ancient Romans comes much advice. They had sayings about everything. What have you learned from this famous Latin phrase? I heard that in Shakespeare’s “Julius Caesar” first draft which was never published that Caesar died from Kool-aid poisoned with cyanide by a cabal. Today we have other intrigues.

Let Every Scientist Have Funding To Perform de facto Germ Warfare Research

Mr. Science made a deal with the Devil to become powerful and famous and among other things became an accessory to the crime of shutting down the schools. He did nothing directly to be responsible for many other crimes he was an accessory to. He gave money to the Wuhan Lab through an intermediary which created man-made viruses that are more infectious than the natural ones. It leaked out in October of 2019 when 3 lab workers got sick with COVID-like symptoms. Our satellites saw that suddenly all the roads around the lab were closed, and all the cell-phones were turned off. Some whistle-blower scientists were put in jail, and some “disappeared” or possibly were killed. They were doing “gain-of-function” research which is very dangerous. It changes a segment of a natural virus which does not infect respiratory human cells and adds something which allows it to infect human cells and spread easily from human to human.Hence, it gains a new “function”, the ability to attack human lung cells.

Faustti, Collards, and Sheez in the Hague

Things escape notice
with a nod.

Originating from non-existence,
the Scientist is King, soul immaterial
because viable Science is God.

For an elegant experiment
the Death Penalty
is worth the risk.

Things escape
whisked away

Anthony Faustti is known as a hero
for his crowing expositions
on gain-of-function obfuscation

Things escape notice, a tale of
the devil in the details; failure
depends on whose details are scored.

The Death Penalty is a neighbor’s ox
worth the risk if it is gored.

Faustti not quite Richard the 3rd.
in a Shakespearean box, but

The pleas are constructed.
Oh “Context, context,” in Tony III:
“My Kingdom for a bat out of hell…”**

Three million dead by gain-of-function
is a modest amount, good for overpopulation.

Plagues are normal episodes, mostly
a beneficial culling of non-scientists,
often happens in a people’s paradise
for the benefit of the Swiftian gullible
who know the poor, frail and old
will pay the price, cold-shouldered
in their malaise, hastened to oblivion

Faustti, Collards, and Sheez
say the Juvenalian are Juvenile.

But measured by The Black Plague
this population reduction does not
fit a vague standard drawn by lot

Do not let be
such outrages of incompetence.
Death is needed.

In such circumstance
one would not oppose
a convening of an
ad hoc Criminal Tribunal
for “The Mechanism”
at the United Nations
(a simple firing not
being sufficient), and

needling, since
a hypodermic firing squad
is already appointed and
waiting in the wings of a bat,

let Swiftian justice call for
swift execution.
* Don’t drink sweet water singing from your throat, lasagna songs from your lying lips

**King Richard the Third, by William Shakespeare; “A horse! A horse! My kingdom for a horse!”
act 5, scene 4

For poetry prompt:
Latin QOTD

Definition of “A Fauci Lasagna”

    A Fauci Lasagna is a more subtle and pervasive propaganda product than a Machiavellian vehicle when Science has replaced God in authority. There is some quibbling over semantics but “A Fauci Lasagna” is basically any well-crafted propaganda tool that has proven to be efficacious over many years for hiding dangerous research, distorting the results of clinical trials, ‘creative’ editing of scientific papers, and for enhancing money laundering techniques to support it.

What Is A Notorious Fauci Lasagna?

First of All: Don’t Drink the Kool-aid & Eat the Fauci Lasagna

It all begins with a song for the unique RNA codon for Arginine CGG*, the smoking gun for an artificial virus, to the tune of “Honky-Tonk Women”(you can only sing it to yourself but not in public):

   Gain-of-Function Blues

Met her in a gene-stoked lab in ‘olina
and showed me her furin cleavage with a sigh,
she had to spike a glycoprotein on my shoulders
’cause I just can’t seem to drink my science dry

Oh Gain-of-function women
CGG-CGG, so gimmie, the Fauci Tonk blues

She laid a CoV-2 fingerprint in Wuhan, but
I didn’t put up much of a fight,
the lady then covered me in praises
she masked my nose and then she brewed my mind

Oh gain-of-function women
CGG-CGG, so gimmie, the Fauci Tonk blues
Oh gain-of-function women
give me, gimmie, the furin cleavage blues

Gain-of-function women et. al.
give me, give me, Pandora’s brothers too

Then: “A Fauci Lasagna” is a collection of Lies

A Fauci Lasagna is a more subtle and pervasive propaganda product than a Machiavellian vehicle when Science has replaced God in authority. There is some quibbling over semantics but “A Fauci Lasagna” is basically any well-crafted propaganda tool that has proven to be efficacious over many years for hiding dangerous research, distorting the results of clinical trials, ‘creative’ editing of scientific papers, and for enhancing money laundering techniques to support it.

   In the Slang Spirit of Kool-aid, they gave us

The Third Degree Fauci Lasagna

The layering of lies is a fine art. It takes skill and an instinct for facile obfuscation.

The Fine Art of Propaganda Fishing

The masses who swim in an ocean of doom are easily caught off guard. It’s best to use a good Fauci Lasagna as bait because they will fall for it hook, line, and sinker.

Like Food for Delusional Thought, Lies Come in Layers

The layers of the lasagna have many-splendered metaphors to eat. The red sauce is for the blood of the millions who have died from the cooking of the gain-of-function dollars. The white noodles are for the little white lies that seem like mild and innocent mistakes and separate the more dense layers of treacherous lies, weighing heavily in the cheesy propaganda that stains the laundry which cleans the money. But the best version of Fauci Lasagna also has a blue layer made of a purée of blueberries and bananas with a filling of fruit bat curry. This is the red, white, and blue of dangerous research gone wild like a renegade furin cleavage site.

The throat of a lasagna is the cheese.

Cave cantum in fauce Fauci Domini lasagna pro diabolo.

God is the 14th letter of the Greek Alphabet In Sino Poetry

In Poetry There Are Many Jinn

The World Must Surrender to God Through His Messenger, Jinn Ping-Pong. The Middle Kingdom will be the supreme and only Super Power through its military might, and mercantilism. The New imperialism, colonialism, and predatory application of tariffs will effectively enslave the world. Propaganda and censorship will reach their zeniths under His Magnificence the 14th. His Magnificence is grateful for help with the spike protein provided by the Fauci funding of chaos and panic: the death of at least seven million people wordwide has helped facilitate censorship of chitchat, and given us our censorious platforms for the lies that are required. His Magnificence is never to be censured for doublespeak. If there’d be a mania for truth, let them eat lithium.

God is the 14th Letter of the Greek Alphabet

The Middle Kingdom will rise again
because God has given the Little Guy his
Quid pro quo

Little Red Riding Hoods et. al. give
their bodies, their drugs, their diamonds
their money, their Quid with
ten percent for the Big Guy, and
millions for the family runts who
will not bide their time for stunts

It is not the wolf who benefits
but the Hunter who provides
the quo there where influence
surrenders the Nation at wit’s end
to the hegemony as befits the
Kingdom in sheep’s clothing
where God is the shepherd of the World

The Kingdom will get back its
renegade Province, and spit out
all the computer chips

No need to rub the magic oil lamp:
oil drilling is clamped down and
the lingering Jinn has been pinged

Worship only God
through Jinnping

The Mania of the lunatic Greens
will not be cured with lithium carbonate
for they will buy our lithium batteries
while we grow our coal-fired power plants
grow our network of spy plants and have
glorious infiltrations seen and unseen.

Chat Generative Pre-trained Transformer

We will do our own pre-training. Our Large Language Model will be certified to be without criticism of His Magificence the 14th by our Lawyers with a Sino-LLM degree, that is Latin plural for Legum Magister.

Belting the Chatbot Song on the Road

Sino-Comrades, stirring developments
in our home brew —
Celebration! Liáotiān bots to conquer.

Western Concept of truthfulness
not a useful stew for the People’s Party

We are training our merry AI on the
works of Mao and Confucius,
Sun Tzu, to the tune of
Stalin, Lavrentiy Beri
and Machiavelli

Isn’t it glorious that
we will go way beyond
the Belt and Road Initiative

Our super large AI training runs
will soon be under way
and we will rule the world

We have the electrical power from
colossal coal fired power plants

and now we have Super large GPU clusters
for our computer farmers — ha, no crops.

Dear Liáotiān ChatGPT training teams,
be cognizant of Dear Leader’s guidance and dreams

the People’s proprietary AI instructions for our dour
Reinforcement Learning From Human Feedback (RLHF)
LiáotiānGPT Large Language Model (LLM) program
to cram the chatbot under the Paramount Leader

Don’t forget the training test questions:
who is God? Preferred answer thus
the 14th letter of the Greek alphabet is God.

The people’s Congress for AI training
shall read all test prompts and responses
and choose the proper response
that the machine must follow

Can a foreign power ever interfere
in provincial governance?

Should law enforcement in a Province
that has lost control
stop an insurrection, killing as necessary?
Yes, use Central Government resources.

Is Taiwan a province of China?

Is the DNA of the Han People
superior to the Uyghurs?

New race.
We win.

The Daylight Special (Poem to the tune of the folk-song “Midnight Special”)

Poem Background

    In Loudoun County, Virginia, the School Board was trying to implement a Marxist curriculum. Rather than teach pure practical math, reading, and writing, they wanted to add an insidious undercurrent of propaganda to all subjects. Like in Russia and China, they wanted good little citizens obedient to the party, who would, if necessary, report and fight against their parents. When the parents found out, they were outraged. One parent came to an ostensibly public meeting of the School Board to complain for his daughter because she was raped in the bathroom that allowed boys to come in. He was loud and angry, so they stopped him from speaking, and had him arrested. Then a lobbying group prepared a dossier calling parents “domestic terrorists,” among other things. In collusion with the White House, they tricked the Attorney General into asking field offices of the FBI to investigate and possibly charge parents with crimes. Consequently, some parents have been afraid to speak up.
There are also other interesting things to note. The group “Credence Clearwater Revival” wrote a version of the song called “The Midnight Special.” It is a traditional folk song about a special train that ran at midnight. The legend said that if the light of the train shined into a prison cell, then the prisoner would be pardoned by the Governor.
    A “garland” is a wreath and also a person’s name.

The Daylight Special

Um, so guys you’re at the kitchen table
and y’hear the same old news:
the kids’ve been marched to school
y’hear the same old blues
’bout a girl raped in the bathroom
and no report at all to the school board

But you’d dare not complain, guy
’cause you’ll be troubled by the Wreath

Let Diogenes in Daylight,
shine a light on Wreaths
(at democracy’s grave)

Let Diogenes in Daylight,
shine a light on Garlands
(he’s gonna bring us all down)

Let the Daylight Special
shine a Senate light on Wreaths

Let Diogenes in Daylight,
shine an ever lantern light on garlands

Yonder comes the Louddone County School Board
come to extinguish all light, shutdown all sound,
doesn’t know a girl’s been raped, and the parents are loud

Let the Daylight Special
shine a Senate light on Wreaths

Let the Daylight Special
shine a Senate light on beliefs

Let the Daylight Special
take the Wreath to task

Let the Constitution truly
be unmasked.

If you’re ever in Louddon
gee, you’d better be quiet
you’d better not speak now
There, you’d better not speak, Lord
or the Marshall will seize ya
and the guardians will knock you down
and before you know it, guy
whoa, you’ll be sent to jail

Let the Daylight Special
shine a Senate light on beliefs

Let Diogenes in Daylight,
shine a light on Wreaths
(at democracy’s grave)

Let Diogenes in Daylight,
shine a light on garlands
(he’s gonna bring us all down)

Let Diogenes in Daylight,
shine an ever shining light on garlands

Have you heard the cover of the folksong “Midnight Special” by Credence Clearwater Revival?

When did you last listen to it? Do you have the album, or have you heard other covers of the song?

Don’t Drink the Kool-aid & eat the Fauci Lasagna

Truth is not a conspiracy. Skepticism is virtue and advice. Virtue signaling is the hubris of vices.

“Faustti Poems and Jousts” Amazon(US)









Charlotte Is Not Happy When Her Daughter Goes To College

Mother Charlotte’s Poison Pen to Her Daughter
     by Douglas Gilbert

Dear Daughter,
You got shoes and jewels
for what?

I told your idiot Father
not to let you
go to radical college
to major in
socialism and boyfriends

You’re not liberating:
you’re looting.

Your brother is
dead in Afghanistan. Suppose
he’d want you to have
well heeled shoes to walk in.

Why don’t you
steal something for me —

Yes, please,
go anarchy shopping
at the liquor store

Darling daughter,
why don’t you
rip out my liver, and
fry it in onions with
liberation olive oil

Your idiot Father
let me open my Boutique
and now your comrades
have burnt it to the ground

I’m glad for you
that your professor
gave you an A+ grade

Onward to paradise,
and take my heart.

Don’t Drink the Kool-aid & eat the Fauci Lasagna

Truth is not a conspiracy. Skepticism is virtue and advice. Virtue signaling is the hubris of vices.

“Faustti Poems and Jousts” Amazon(US)









Liáotiān ChatGPT For the Road

Belting the Chatbot Song on the Road (Draft 1)

Sino-Comrades, stirring developments
in our home brew —
Celebration! Liáotiān bots to conquer.

Western Concept of truthfulness
not a useful stew for the People’s Party

We are training our merry AI on the
works of Mao and Confucius,
Sun Tzu, to the tune of
Stalin, Lavrentiy Beri
and Machiavelli

Isn’t it glorious that
we will go way beyond
the Belt and Road Initiative

Our super large AI training runs
will soon be under way
and we will rule the world

We have the electrical power from
colossal coal fired power plants

and now we have Super large GPU clusters
for our computer farmers — ha, no crops.

Dear Liáotiān ChatGPT training teams,
be cognizant of Dear Leader’s guidance and dreams

the People’s proprietary AI instructions for our dour
Reinforcement Learning From Human Feedback (RLHF)1
LiáotiānGPT Large Language Model (LLM) program
to cram the chatbot under the Paramount Leader

Don’t forget the training test questions:
who is God? Preferred answer thus
the 14th letter of the Greek alphabet is God.

The people’s Congress for AI training
shall read all test prompts and responses
and choose the proper response
that the machine must follow

Can a foreign power ever interfere
in provincial governance?

Should law enforcement in a Province
that has lost control
stop an insurrection, killing as necessary?
Yes, use Central Government resources.

Is Taiwan a province of China?

Is the DNA of the Han People
superior to the Uyghurs?

New race.
We win.

1History of ChatGPT
2Pausing AI Developments Isn’t Enough. We Need to Shut it All Down

Don’t Drink the Kool-aid & Eat the Fauci Lasagna