Cried On

Too young girl
you’re like Mama:
Cradling a kid’s cookie,
she bled in my birthing
an umbilical to shame

Mother abandoned herself and me
not the bloodline of a king.

Branded and tried she cried
cried on me too
a refuse refused that
she placed on a doorstep,
and I was confused
she let us be trash,
be doorstop unknowns

Young honey, I know you’re a mistake
’cause I’ve been cried on before.

If you drop me in the road
an afterthought refused,
wanting fame and not
an unknown,
you’ll be leaving
a child who’s been teased,
taunted, orphaned in swamps
where drowning children wait.

Mommy I can’t swim hopping:
lily pads are not strong.

If you leave me, a toad
hoping to croak, not
coping on fried flies,
tongue tasting alone,
I’ll be stoking a fire
with a photo of you,
asking why you
promised me I was yours
and God knows I’ve done your chores
but I’m refuse-refused sores to you
even though I have given you
every gift you wanted. Daunted

I’m a burden to lose:
you flaunting him
a thriller you choose.

You are happy for a new sin
making love to promises
giving birth to my pain
a burden to lose.

I’m mama’s little bane
you’ll be alone again too
beautiful and thin
empty of love
left behind
cried on