Poetry Hearings for the UFO

Poetry for The Savages of Planet X
    by Tpiqlat’ng Kragzluk

The savages are having hearings; it’s
a beer of brewed lies in a busy buzz
where they don’t hear very well.

I’m learning the buzz word “morgue.”

My wife, the anthropologist
taught me this English I’m
going to scream with twists

My wife was a pilot undone
on an anthropology expedition

Into disharmonious lands she crashed but
they hid the body bounty and the craft
like a squirrel creature hides nuts.

I wanted to look at her
one last time.

The savages were afraid.
This English is too limited
to explain extraterrestrial travel

I considered exterminating the planet
but the savages enjoy torturing each other

I suppose they’ll talk each other to death.
But I did want to look at her
one last time.

She is not as ugly
as they think, but
over the years
I think I’m becoming
as angry as the savages
and as ugly.

3 thoughts on “Poetry Hearings for the UFO

    1. Thanks. The congressional hearings are today. They will talk a lot, say provocative things, appoint another committee and do nothing. They can say they will de-classify secrets but they won’t actually ever do it. But they will do well changing the names and jargon for things. The whistle blowers will be shocking but everyone is desensitized to the truth. It will be a muted reaction even though it should be trumpets of fear and hysteria. It’s not just an elephant in the room — there’s a whole menagerie.

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