When Hans Christian Andersen & Fox News Visit the White House

Fox News Has Reportedly Hired Hans Christian Andersen as a special consultant to handle the machinations of the Mainstream Media

It’s almost impossible to find a venue for the truth. With the New York Thymes having all the fits that print, the publisher’s psychosis appears imminent.

When the Main Stream Media Report On Hell Freezing Over & Flying Pigs

A glimpse into the future: “Although Hell has frozen over and Pigs have grown wings, it is reported that the deep freeze in the Tropics is due to man-made Global Warming. The price of gasoline has fallen sharply to $1,000,000.”

The Emperor’s Dinner

The Emperor’s Royal Dinner:
ice cream, humble pie, stirred donors
and Fauci Lasagna’s abhorrent lies

Afterwards, biding his time,
His Majesty marched in a Parade

O’ say, a young child said,
“Why is the President naked?”

His Mom demurred and
read a passage from Will Rogers:
“I am not a member of any organized political party.
I am a Democrat.”

The child thought she didn’t hear him:
“Why is the President naked?”

“He supports the iridescent leprechaun gold
at the end of the Chinese Belt and Road”

The crowd shouted:
We support you Mr. President!
And they all took off their clothes
except for the Mother and Child.

The Secret Service approached them,
whispered for a while, and
gave them a bank statement.

The child cried,
“Mommy why do we
have to take off our clothes?”

“Five million dollars for you,
little Hunter, dear child, and
five million dollars for me.”

15 thoughts on “When Hans Christian Andersen & Fox News Visit the White House

    1. That’s the problem: there are no indictments and the statue of limitations is running out on all the crimes with deliberate delays and failure to investigate over 5 years…

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes, I don’t know what more is needed. The committee has the records for the 20 shell companies where the money was sent. They have the laptop from hell with all the emails confirmed. They have the bank records for the whole family that received foreign money. They have the quid pro quo….

      Liked by 1 person

        1. No one is to say the word “illegal.” As they say about politically correct bank robbers in masks with guns: they made an undocumented withdrawal from all accounts without discrimination on who would be stolen from. And they had an undocumented get-away stolen electric car that ran into a cow that was making too much methane.

          Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes, there are still lessons to be learned. Parables, fairy tales, satire, and hyperbole live on. The spouted political truths and propaganda are fictional, and fiction stories promote truth.

      Liked by 1 person

        1. I’m in New York, but I often get up at 2am local time. I’ve experimented with Google translate and if I go up and back a few times I can sometimes make sense of things.


            1. I’ve tried it at least once for about twenty languages trying to translate one of my English poems to another language. Usually it fails and is nonsensical. I do English–>Other and take what’s given and translate that back to English which usually doesn’t make sense. I try different synonyms and word order or change in English sentence structure and try again. When I can get an unknown text to translate to an English version that makes sense, I hope it makes sense in the other language. I think Dutch seemed to work a few times. Oddly, recently, Bosnian seemed to work. But I really have no idea if I’m talking nonsense or not because native speakers never comment. I get English speakers saying they like it even if they don’t actually read it. I recently translated a poem into Swedish which seemed OK for meaning but I wasn’t sure how it sounded. I went to a rhyming Swedish dictionary, found rhyming words and looked for one whose meaning could be used. However, I could be accidentally using inappropriate synonyms that might sound awkward or silly but I’ll never know. French drove me crazy when I couldn’t use “his” and “her” and she could never seem to give her book as a present.


            2. Hands down, poetic translations are very tricky! I tend to rather learn a foreign language but I’m aware that it doesn’t seem so attractive to anyone whose native language is English. I could tell you something about your German and Spanish experiments if there are any.


            3. Thanks, I’ll keep that in mind. I’m not good with languages. (Even though I’m a native speaker of English, I don’t always get that perfectly right.) I guess I was hoping that Google would be a miracle. I suppose my timing is always a little off. When the student revolution in Iran looked like it might succeed, I tried Persian. Before Afghanistan collapsed, I tried Pashto. I don’t remember if it’s here or on another of my websites but I did a few in Italian. Google reader made it seem melodic except that it doesn’t pause ever and doesn’t even stop for periods. In English it was “For The Music of Love I Walk” done with a female narrator who was my fictional High Priestess. The problem with that one was that the English used appropriated Italian musical notation which sounds special and elite in English but is ordinary in Italian probably. Super exclusive very high pitch in English borrowed word “Coloratura soprano” is not meant to be “colorful”.

              Zawmb’yee Nuje Writes A Poem, ” For the Music of Love I Walk “


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