The Furin Cleavage Site Welcomes Fauci

Fauci News
    by Douglas Gilbert

Some new exotic resorts have recently opened. A very exclusive one has begun operations in the Say Shell Islands. Celebrations have started.

The First Annual Fauci Festival At The Furin Cleavage Site

    The Corona Family Resort proudly welcomes Fauci our hero. Please join in our celebration and book signing of his classic work: “Accessory To A Million Murders.”
    All conspirators are welcome. We are located on the Say Shell Islands, an Archipelagic Republic. For your convenience, The Republic has no extradition treaty with any country. Your personal concierge will provide you with complimentary surveillance sweeps, room sterilization, and free money laundering service. Our most famous island is the Island of Dr. Moreau which is still available for vivisection studies, which although known for its pioneering studies of humanized mice, has advanced greatly since the 1895 studies of the H. T. Wells Institute.
    We have a fully equipped gym and laboratory located a short distance away from the Grand Spike Ballroom at the junction of S1 and S2 streets. Animals can be shipped at a reasonable price from The Island of Dr. Moreau. Humanized mice* that carry the human ACE2 protein that lines the airways are produced in unlimited quantities. Larger humanized animals can also be provided as pets.
    The amino acid sequence, proline-arginine-arginine-alanine, or PRRA is our pride and joy. With our infectious humor, it is what has made our viruses so happy to fuse with human lung cells. The PRRA sequence which is “the furin cleavage site” always giggles when the human furin, while cleaving, invites the virus to come inside. The dance of death is charming to watch. Tiglekso, don’t worry, ’bout a thing, every micro thing is gonna be reggae smooth.
    The islands of the archipelago provide many layers of security. Isolation can be provided for both political asylum and insane asylum, as well as retirement services and quick burial down an endless pit.


    During the festival there will be music, and the Inaugural Lecture from Mr. Science himself. The lecture will include the topics of propaganda, lobbying, intimidation, the technique of the layering of lies, commonly know as the “Fauci Lasagna” presentation, and the use of research grants as bribes.
     Samples of our finest cuisine will be served:
~ SayShell’s Fruit-Bat Curry
~ Fruit-bat Lasagna
~ Fauci Sardine Pancakes
~ Fauci Chicken With Bats

The Fauci Lasagna Linguistics

L’informatore ha parlato del sito di scissione del furin. Si scoprì che stava finendo nelle Fauci di un lupo.

Loosely speaking, “Fauci Lasagna” refers to the propaganda and obfuscation pronouncements of the grant-money prostitutes of the academic and scientific community. They generally forgo morality for the sake of their careers — The Shush Dictionary of Slang, 2019

From the Ancient Latin Hypocrite’s Oath & Swearing Poem

Poemata Imperatoris: Faucibus percurrit mendacium

Pestilentia decurrit per dona pecuniarum

Faucibus percurrit mendacium, pestilentia per dona pecuniarum,
Fauci culpa, Fauci mendacium.
Caesar Fauci iuvare morbum quaestum functionum quaerit.
A plena fauci lauda: O fauci Imperatoris salve!
Poems of the Emperor: A lie runs through his mouth

The plague runs through donations of money

Lies run through mouths, pestilence through gifts of money,
Fauci’s fault, Fauci’s lie.
Caesar Fauci seeks to help the disease gain functions.
Praise from a full throat: Hail, O throat of the Emperor!

The Corona Family Resorts Inc. Official Slogan

“Cave cantum in fauce Fauci Domini lasagna pro diabolo.”
Beware of the song in the throat of Lord Fauci’s lasagna for the devil.

If you receive an invitation, make your reservations now.

As explained in your invitation, the cost is very dear, but it’s well worth it. Remember that expression about the cost of buying a yacht: “If you have to ask the price, you can’t afford it.” Do not come directly to the main island. Leave your ship at the designated port and we will pick you up and transport you by submarine. We will also ship your luggage by different means. But keep in mind that this a long term commitment explained in the legal documents that you must sign.

Bon Voyage!

We will see you soon. It will be the best experience of your life and the most luxurious as long as you follow the rules.

*The Origin of COVID: Did People or Nature Open Pandoras Box At Wuhan
**Fauci Gives False Testimony
*** The Creole Melting Pot
H.G. Wells, The Island of Doctor Moreau, A Possibility, 1896, New York, Stone & Kimball, MDCCCXCVI.

The Suicide of the Fauci Juvenile

What Happened is a Fauci Lasagna

A Fauci Lasagna is a layered presentation of lies, obfuscations, and prevarications to cover-up the money laundering needed to continue supplying money for gain-of-function research. Sometimes the presentation hides responsibility for genocide.

On the anniversary of the publication of one student’s suicide story, her poetic note is re-issued

Unfortunately, a war crimes tribunal has not yet been convened at the Hague. The Weingarten tyranny also continues to destroy the public schools. The “Alice” poem is below after the summation.

Alice’s Story in a Sentence

Having fat school assignments, vocabulary lists to learn, a last will to write, a girl could be a beast, because this muddy muddled mind puddle was like a dark pudding, chubby girl crying out in the lugubrious night where she fattened up with heavy words, condemned to a plague of loneliness by an evil milieu, an elite rule of classmate cliques of beautiful witches and warlocks who possessed the favors and powers to condemn and ridicule, but she gave Stacey her Will, telling her to burn her Prom Dress and lie to her parents that her death was an accidental overdose, since she didn’t want to take STEM classes anymore because she was too fat to be an Astronaut.

The Princess Beast
    by “Alice”

In fat assignments
I explain death or not.

Oh hell, because
this muddy muddled mind puddle
is like a dark pudding, I cry out in

my lugubrious night where I
fatten up with empty words, but

I have my vocabulary list to learn
and my last will to write.

A girl in her ugliness
can be a beast, and

I have been condemned
to a plague of loneliness
by an evil milieu

It is an elite rule:
the beautiful witches and warlocks
possess the favors and powers

But from their palaces
in holly woods and
from party districts
come many sycophants
to mandate loneliness
in loco parentis

I am a beast girl
in a shanty castle
without magic powers

I write this letter for Stacey
because I smashed my keyboard:

Why a death chord? Because…

there had been mocking awes
in every voiced pshaw
smirking behind a mask;
I could hear their snide smile
rubbing against the cloth

It’s not just that I’m fat and ugly.
Oh My Cron, I’m beastly

OMC Stacey, I got banned
for the humanized mice comment…
Mu, Nu, Xi
OMC! Burn my Prom Dress
Zoom zone me out.

Yeah, I’m a dissident variant, but
it’s not only just, OMG, ha, my
muumuu dress dance with ukulele
got banned from Me-meTube; it’s
not just an Aloha

Got banned from Spacey Bookie too
and from the Ticks
of skewed life. Failed school.

School is a place of hurt
anyway. Shouldn’t be
anymore children born
like me, fat Alice abysmal.
I am a beast without magic.

Burn my Prom Dress ’cause
I have never danced, though

even I was at THE party, but
they hated me, and I
eyed a pill on the floor,
and saw it on the news
so I knew its deadly ruse
when I saved it.

Give out my other letters.
Tell my Mom it was an accident.
Burn my Prom Dress, but my death
wasn’t an accident, it was Science
and Chemistry by the evil, though
they did me a favor.

Remember two years ago?
Yeah, actually, I liked
math and pi and pie, ’cause
my math and science teachers’ chats
were so cool and hot like STEM trends,
hot trends for girls in space, yeah, and
bio lab rats and stuff like that.

Everyone had always known
I was fat and ugly, but
they lie like science lies. It’s a
lie world. It’s
about dead lab rats and mice
and re-education camps
and slave labor and death.
It is a world of tyrants,
of dark pudding witches
and princely warlocks

Didn’t think I’d fail science, just because
the teachers were afraid to teach or something
and they were under an evil spell.

I would have learned it as my own blend
if I were brilliant and didn’t need a teacher
didn’t need a boyfriend, didn’t need a friend.
I would need a magic wand and a frog Prince

I failed science alone because
I had been fat and ugly and too stupid
to have figured out the truth on my own. Yeah, and
Brandon got myocarditis from a booster.

I’m sorry I told you Brandon
was a good guy. He was shy,
nice to me, didn’t know you’d bleed
when he joined the rapeseed club. Didn’t
know it wasn’t about Botany, and I think
Science is evil now without good seeds.

All those humanized mice and puppies, and
I think I was ‘barking up the wrong tree’.
The RNA has jumped from tree to tree,
and the dogs are lost.

So Science is a political sport not for girls
(or me anyway), renamed fats and oil
in unctuous lies and taunts, and so

Even after another lab leak,
they’re hiding the therapeutics…

My favorite cousins were teased on Spacey Bookie:
labeled obese beasts
and they died without the virus pill.
No therapeutic cry and I miss them.

I could have done a crash diet, but
I swallowed the pill from the floor.

I’m sorry. Give out the other letters.

I’m sorry to leave you behind
to suffer through the Armageddon.
I hope you got the abortion.

All I want is chocolate pudding,
and a masterpiece.

“Faustti Poems and Jousts”









Famous Quotations In Latin As Poetry Prompts

Famous Latin Phrases Can Be Inspiration for Poetry

Noli bibere aquam dulcem cantare e faucibus,lasagna carmina de labiis mendacibus tuis*

~ [Don’t drink the Kool-aid and eat the Fauci Lasagna] ~
From the throat of the ancient Romans comes much advice. They had sayings about everything. What have you learned from this famous Latin phrase? I heard that in Shakespeare’s “Julius Caesar” first draft which was never published that Caesar died from Kool-aid poisoned with cyanide by a cabal. Today we have other intrigues.

Let Every Scientist Have Funding To Perform de facto Germ Warfare Research

Mr. Science made a deal with the Devil to become powerful and famous and among other things became an accessory to the crime of shutting down the schools. He did nothing directly to be responsible for many other crimes he was an accessory to. He gave money to the Wuhan Lab through an intermediary which created man-made viruses that are more infectious than the natural ones. It leaked out in October of 2019 when 3 lab workers got sick with COVID-like symptoms. Our satellites saw that suddenly all the roads around the lab were closed, and all the cell-phones were turned off. Some whistle-blower scientists were put in jail, and some “disappeared” or possibly were killed. They were doing “gain-of-function” research which is very dangerous. It changes a segment of a natural virus which does not infect respiratory human cells and adds something which allows it to infect human cells and spread easily from human to human.Hence, it gains a new “function”, the ability to attack human lung cells.

Faustti, Collards, and Sheez in the Hague

Things escape notice
with a nod.

Originating from non-existence,
the Scientist is King, soul immaterial
because viable Science is God.

For an elegant experiment
the Death Penalty
is worth the risk.

Things escape
whisked away

Anthony Faustti is known as a hero
for his crowing expositions
on gain-of-function obfuscation

Things escape notice, a tale of
the devil in the details; failure
depends on whose details are scored.

The Death Penalty is a neighbor’s ox
worth the risk if it is gored.

Faustti not quite Richard the 3rd.
in a Shakespearean box, but

The pleas are constructed.
Oh “Context, context,” in Tony III:
“My Kingdom for a bat out of hell…”**

Three million dead by gain-of-function
is a modest amount, good for overpopulation.

Plagues are normal episodes, mostly
a beneficial culling of non-scientists,
often happens in a people’s paradise
for the benefit of the Swiftian gullible
who know the poor, frail and old
will pay the price, cold-shouldered
in their malaise, hastened to oblivion

Faustti, Collards, and Sheez
say the Juvenalian are Juvenile.

But measured by The Black Plague
this population reduction does not
fit a vague standard drawn by lot

Do not let be
such outrages of incompetence.
Death is needed.

In such circumstance
one would not oppose
a convening of an
ad hoc Criminal Tribunal
for “The Mechanism”
at the United Nations
(a simple firing not
being sufficient), and

needling, since
a hypodermic firing squad
is already appointed and
waiting in the wings of a bat,

let Swiftian justice call for
swift execution.
* Don’t drink sweet water singing from your throat, lasagna songs from your lying lips

**King Richard the Third, by William Shakespeare; “A horse! A horse! My kingdom for a horse!”
act 5, scene 4

For poetry prompt:
Latin QOTD

Definition of “A Fauci Lasagna”

    A Fauci Lasagna is a more subtle and pervasive propaganda product than a Machiavellian vehicle when Science has replaced God in authority. There is some quibbling over semantics but “A Fauci Lasagna” is basically any well-crafted propaganda tool that has proven to be efficacious over many years for hiding dangerous research, distorting the results of clinical trials, ‘creative’ editing of scientific papers, and for enhancing money laundering techniques to support it.

What Is A Notorious Fauci Lasagna?

First of All: Don’t Drink the Kool-aid & Eat the Fauci Lasagna

It all begins with a song for the unique RNA codon for Arginine CGG*, the smoking gun for an artificial virus, to the tune of “Honky-Tonk Women”(you can only sing it to yourself but not in public):

   Gain-of-Function Blues

Met her in a gene-stoked lab in ‘olina
and showed me her furin cleavage with a sigh,
she had to spike a glycoprotein on my shoulders
’cause I just can’t seem to drink my science dry

Oh Gain-of-function women
CGG-CGG, so gimmie, the Fauci Tonk blues

She laid a CoV-2 fingerprint in Wuhan, but
I didn’t put up much of a fight,
the lady then covered me in praises
she masked my nose and then she brewed my mind

Oh gain-of-function women
CGG-CGG, so gimmie, the Fauci Tonk blues
Oh gain-of-function women
give me, gimmie, the furin cleavage blues

Gain-of-function women et. al.
give me, give me, Pandora’s brothers too

Then: “A Fauci Lasagna” is a collection of Lies

A Fauci Lasagna is a more subtle and pervasive propaganda product than a Machiavellian vehicle when Science has replaced God in authority. There is some quibbling over semantics but “A Fauci Lasagna” is basically any well-crafted propaganda tool that has proven to be efficacious over many years for hiding dangerous research, distorting the results of clinical trials, ‘creative’ editing of scientific papers, and for enhancing money laundering techniques to support it.

   In the Slang Spirit of Kool-aid, they gave us

The Third Degree Fauci Lasagna

The layering of lies is a fine art. It takes skill and an instinct for facile obfuscation.

The Fine Art of Propaganda Fishing

The masses who swim in an ocean of doom are easily caught off guard. It’s best to use a good Fauci Lasagna as bait because they will fall for it hook, line, and sinker.

Like Food for Delusional Thought, Lies Come in Layers

The layers of the lasagna have many-splendered metaphors to eat. The red sauce is for the blood of the millions who have died from the cooking of the gain-of-function dollars. The white noodles are for the little white lies that seem like mild and innocent mistakes and separate the more dense layers of treacherous lies, weighing heavily in the cheesy propaganda that stains the laundry which cleans the money. But the best version of Fauci Lasagna also has a blue layer made of a purée of blueberries and bananas with a filling of fruit bat curry. This is the red, white, and blue of dangerous research gone wild like a renegade furin cleavage site.

The throat of a lasagna is the cheese.

Cave cantum in fauce Fauci Domini lasagna pro diabolo.

We Love to Drink the Kool-aid & Eat the Fauci Lasagna For Peace

Let Us Praise the Song of Silence and Obfuscation, the Glory of Censorship

As everyone knows by now, an artificially created virus leaked from a lab in Wuhan China. It killed your Grandmother, Mother, or other, due to the outlawing of therapeutics, and the lying antics of Mr. Science the obfuscator-in-chief. You do know now that two major leaders were nearly killed by the CCP if it were not for experimental mono-clonal antibodies. The not to be named leaders of the US and UK nearly died. Unfortunately, the children are easily brainwashed with the help of congressional abusers of the truth, slaves to Marxist theories which lead to dictatorships of the elites, well intentioned but as history shows a recipe for the death of millions.

Caesar Drank the Kool-aid,Dead With Poetry

Drink the Kool-aid & eat the Fauci Lasagna

by Douglas Gilbert
Back in 2023
a few were brave enough
to believe and know the truth
about the lab leak, but

a majority
drank the Kool-aid, and
ate the Fauci Lasagna
because they thought
Karl knew best
and led the children
to accept the Chinese
coup d’etat

And now it is too late
to stop the remaining seduction

Everything is a lie,
an insipid poison

Everything lies in stages
layers of noodle jargon
cheesy slogans of deceit

First on stage was a scene where
our Karl valued Freedom of Speech
as a dear friend when he could shout
and denounce in the streets, but
young deluded Karl has told you that
Freedom of Speech (FOS) is
that canard, that Caesar; Karl said
Death to Caesar
Death to Freedom of Speech.

Oh the easily brain-washed children,
and their shameless shamen teachers
and their abusing political hacks.

No more parents, no more adults.
If I am silenced, do I agree?

I remember when as satirist
I came to interr Caesar
not to praise him

They said that Caesar
had ambitions to free the world
but failed to keep his promises

For a day I spoke when
Karl of the children did deign
to let me speak a moment
before the wrath of Xi
silenced my voice

Young Marx did love Caesar for a nanosecond
but ancient times are gone, save though
the middle kingdom rises again

They let Fauci be Brutus too
pitching the first ball
for a long journey

The journey of a ball
begins with a bat…

Drink the Kool-aid & eat the Fauci Lasagna

Marks and Angles1

An old word on a path
of a thousand miles
just a saying, hurrah

uh damn, just saying a journey
begins with a single faux pas
said Laozi
not Confucius

More than a two-step to completion
of propaganda and subversion —
it takes a bat and a virus to conquer.

China had a plan
and knew fanfares:
peace on the road
to be woven,
friendships for
fair weather, bounties
before a storm,

a word in malice
a step,
Jane’s tale
was to fail
in bans pretty soon.

The Wuhan plague
brought chaos, and then

when all the local stores failed
the aristocrats pro temp bought them
and Jane’s requiem began to play, hey

In a word
Jane had gone batty
over the Summer:

older daughter home,
younger daughter beaten
dead by the gangs, and

the moans and groans
of the speakers droning;
Jane had gone batty

she had been annoyed by
the constant stun chants
of the Chinese lessons
mandatory to earn guanxi
as in Nineteen Eighty-Four

But she had enjoyed the fantasy
that fall would be glorious, for
the eldest jumped for joy
when accepted to
a tuition-free school
as good as Harvard, a
part of the Red Ivy League, funded by
a Confucius Friendship Society

Pandora’s virus box
had bats in it for Jane.

Her daughter indulged her
by sending hand-written messages
by the old snail-mail

It was lonely, eye damp;
all of Jane’s neighbors
took the trains out to
re-education camps.

Her daughter’s letters were
incoherent she began to think,
or was it that she was going mad?

A government grant check
came with a tech letter
asking her to memorize
the manifestoes

Pandora’s virus box
had bats in it for Jane.

Her decline was sealed
the day the grocery store
checked her credit score:
The princeling who owned it
refused to serve her because
she didn’t have enough caution
in social credits for conformity:
a black mark for twice not
wearing a red mask and
not passing her basic
Chinese language test.

All the stores had been
taken over by the princelings
after the coup d’etat, so
Jane had to walk far away
for Amerigo Supermarkets.

Walking was a complicated fate:
she had to hang with
the ‘hood committee
to negotiate with the gangs
just for a safe passage.
(The citizen’s police
had no guns anymore)

Her daughter indulged her
with an incoherent letter,
left off the “love” valediction —
no closing remarks, but
just odd disjointed slogans:
“repentance and confession,”
“remedial Mandarin,”
“Help Mom,” and
“Truly Transform”

The gangs received
new Chicago weapons,
joined the mask militia
or went back to the well

burned the Constitution
in a sunrise red fire
by the dawn’s early light

Proudly, great progress
was hailed without bullets
on the conveyance belt
and hellion roadway

John, offering hope, was long gone.
Pandora’s virus well
had bats in it for Jane.

Well, sitting at a window
Jane without living water
a heart attack

Love China,
or well

1“Faustti Poems and Jousts”









We Saw the Jargoneers At The Secret Comedy Club

Snow White & The Seven At the Comedy Club

    by Cheryl Kurtz
    Hooray! Now I can report that my best friends, Alessa, Carina, Fausta, and I got an invitation to the Jargoneers Comedy Club. We wanted to go ever since we read the review “Jargoneers At The Fantasy Downtown Hotel”
    It was exciting but we were a little upset that we had to put on overalls in order to climb down into the sewer to reach the secret entrance to the club. However, they had a very elegant dressing room, a lounge, and a staging area with a free hairstylist and a makeup artist to put us back together again before entering the actual club. And we needed to be put back together. Yeah, Alessa had calmed everyone after Carina had freaked out in the sewer when Fausta joked that there were alligators in the sewer.
    Anyway, we settled down at a great table with wine for our nerves. We decided to share two dishes and an antipasto. We got the Fauci Lasagna, and the Fauci Eggplant Parmigiana. It was a lot, and so was the bill. We tried to chat with a few virologists but they thought we were spies and were trying to seduce them. Well, we were trying to seduce them but we’re not spies. Carina wanted to leave but we convinced her to stay for the show.
    But it was worth it because the Comedy Club decided to put on a play called, “Snow White of East Palestine, Ohio”. It was a riot. I made a brief summary. Maybe I’ll write more at a later date. Anyway, they only presented Part One. We have to come back to see the rest, if we get invited again. I hope we do. I think we’ll be calmer the next time.

My Plot Summary

    Snow White was a Gray House reporter who fled to East Palestine, Ohio after investigating a Natural Gas company in the Republic of Cain where the Hunter brought back some of the profits to the Big Guy, while the Shepherd brought back the best shish kebab ever made for Snow White to eat who was raised in E. Palestine by the King of Barbecue. But Snow White was afraid of her evil step-brothers.
    They worked at the Gray House with the chief of staff, Dorian Gray, and the wicked under-staff: Doris Grey, Oscar Reagan, and Wilde Bill Regan.
    Her brothers were known as the 7 Dwarfs. They were to be sent to intimidate her. Fortunately, she was given shelter by the Prince. As it turned out, her brother Doc was put on trial, her other dopey brother wandered around the shipyards, and the rest argued about whether they should be called “Little People.”
    It was funny. I think it was meant to be a hyperbolic parable, or is that parabola. Some of the allusions we had to think about. Maybe it could have been better if it was a spoon-fed spoof.
    I recommend going if you can get an invitation. Maybe if you know Dr. Redfield you could get yourself invited.

Well, if you don’t want to go underground or you haven’t received your invitation yet, you should simply fly to Kenya for a great meal at the “Boho Eatery.” Um, in case you don’t know, Kenya is in Africa. Isn’t it interesting that there’s a SOHO neighborhood in New York City, US — sounds similar. But SOHO stands for South of Houston Street which is lower Manhattan. It’s quite different there in Kenya out in the open. I don’t know what Boho stands for. Go see the Boho Eatery Review on Life’s Fine Whine

Where Were You When the Chat Machines Took Over In Poetry?

AI Tyranny

Elon Musk warned you about Armageddon,
but you ate the Fauci Lasagna and drank the Kool-Aid

It is an odd blessing that we found the caves:
my Love and I can hide, safely I think, but now
I can’t resist taking a chance to say hi-bye
to any human remnants who still look up to a face
speak without a cell phone, lazily chat in the old sense
of free spirits unafraid to be a little vulgar,
and be playfully insulting, but be
able to apologize without dire consequences, just
a small wink and smile and maybe a hug, totally simple as
a laugh, a simple reconciliation of fools with a leap of kindness
natural to what used to be an average human, nothing dire like
in the new modern upper abysmal, where
no one ever looks up and just
does the screen napping thing
and has only anger searching left

Where were you when in the war
against the AI tyranny
the ChatGPT like a small stack of crackers
seduced you all with sugar and salt, with salty tales and sweet addictions
as if one can go straight to the pleasure center of the brain, and
bypass having to interact with humans who used to have
frail naïve empathy lapses that now are merely tropes
because you ate the Fauci Lasagna and believed the government.

Oops, Your Grandmother Was Murdered With The Money From Fauci To Make a Man-made Virus For Science

Accidental War-crimes Is So Chic When Fauci the Great Is An Angry Victim of Being Caught

    Even allowing for split culpability, Fauci the Great is responsible for financing a criminal enterprise related to bio-tech. In the early years its true nature as a gain-of-function highly risky research project was only discussed in the press underground and was known in a jocular fashion by its code-name, Fauci Lasagna. Due to the millions of dollars of bribes paid to the “the little guy, Mr. H,” China was able to forbid the US government and US press from speaking against China. They were given their orders and they obeyed. Their propaganda was mostly successful with the aid of major news outlets. China’s investment in “the little guy” has paid off.
    However, the true nature of the virus was talked about in a few private comedy clubs frequented by disgruntled scientists known as the Jargoneers who insisted on using banned vocabulary and taboo phrases such as “gain-of-function” research and the “furin cleavage site.”
    Dr. Robert Redfield was one of the few to speak out in public.1 He said that super-charged human-to-human transmission was not at all like what happens in the progression of other similar coronaviruses, and that such unaided rapid evolution was not plausible in a natural setting.
    If the truth would be told, Fauci the Great is responsible for the death of 7 million people, the closing of businesses and of schools, and more. But of course the truth will never be told.
    Perhaps, the Great man will retire to Elba Island to contemplate Napoleon’s exile. It’s unlikely that a War Crimes Tribunal in the Hague will ever be convened.
    The origin of the Covid virus has been known definitively for years at least as early as the publication of Nicholas Wade’s article2 showing the obvious signs of wild experiments in the sloppy Wuhan lab in China that provided all their data to the Chinese military authorities making it a de facto germ warfare lab or bio-weapons research unit.
    Shi Zheng-li or “Bat Lady” with the help of Fauci funding engineered coronaviruses to attack human cells. It has certainly been on the public record at least since the Nicholas Wade article and actually before that. He gathered and summarized what was well known in the cowardly scientific community, but if they spoke up they would lose their grants, reputation, and job. The unusual arginine RNA codons were the smoking gun. The odd choice for coding arginine was not seen in nature, but was only used in the laboratory as a convenience because it was easier to make than the natural kind.
    In short, it was well known that gain-of-function research or any of its euphemisms and changed names equivalents was extremely dangerous, and despite Fauci and the Bat Lady being told this, they made sure that the research would be funded and would proceed full speed ahead, recklessly, in a poorly maintained lab in Wuhan.

1“Former CDC Director Robert Redfield defended the theory that COVID-19 escaped from a Chinese lab, arguing the deadly bug’s efficient human-to-human spread contradicted the behavior of other deadly coronaviruses with similar profiles — and was simply not ‘biologically plausible.’ ” —
    Ex-CDC chief Robert Redfield explains belief COVID came from China lab
By Yaron Steinbuch
June 15, 2021

2The first exposé: “The origin of COVID: Did people or nature open Pandora’s box at Wuhan?” By Nicholas Wade | May 5, 2021

Review of the Jargoneers At The Fantasy Downtown Hotel Near West 16th Street, NYC

The Corona Virus (COVID-19) Was Created In & Leaked From the Wuhan Lab In China

The dangers of Gain-of-Function research has been know for years. Unfortunately, changing the name of this type of research, proceeding with funding through intermediaries did not make it safer. The worst fears of what might happen came to be. Virology labs in China are mandated to report to the military. In effect, whether, at best naive scientists, believe it or not, they are a germ warfare lab (bio-tech-warfare).

A Small Group Of Brave Virologists Joke About It At a Secret Club in New York

    Attending a performance of the Jargoneers Comedy Club can be arduous and difficult because many security measures are needed. Careers have been destroyed by admitting one has been to an anti-Wuhan meeting of any kind. A reputable sponser is required to ensure that a Club goer has no friends or family member associated with ABC, NBC, CBS, NBR, Yale, Harvard, Colombia, or The New York Times.
    First, you need to obtain a special invitation. When this is approved, you are given an escort and security team who will determine when it is safe for your assigned luxury car with its trapdoor to park over the designated manhole cover. Climbing the ladder into the sewer can be a little uncomfortable, but you will soon be directed into a cleaner passageway.
    The decor is great even for a virologist. There are gothic chandeliers, giant abstract screens screaming in a rage of color that is like radiant blue yearning stars with hot red flares that shout out into a space of love with the passion of an uninhibited trance jumping dance. This secret room of the Fantasy Hotel features a wild eclectic cocktail menu conjured up by the magic of mixologist Meconivitch Drake. But of course, a virologist must be careful not to challenge Fauci Science in front of a sexy woman who could be a spy, lest he find that his next grant application is turned down by a panel of traitorous virologist flunkies. Unfortunately, it is impossible to say even after counter-intelligence measures have been taken that there are not a few government prostitutes trying to seduce a anti-Wuhan scientist into a compromising position with revealing photos. Many, if not most scientists will lie for the salvation of a grant, and for their reputation.

About the Performance of the Jargoneers

    I laughed like hell at the performance, and I especially liked the furin-cleavage CGG-CGG arginine codon joke. However, most of the performance was top-secret in terms of protecting the performers from losing their jobs. I can not reveal the details of the jokes.
    However, perhaps you have a cousin who is a biologist who knows someone who can vouch for you. I highly recommend it for young biologists with an open mind. If you do get an invitation, do go. You’ll enjoy it immensely, and you’ll get a hint about what it’s like to be in a rebel group. But don’t overdo it because you’re just a guest. If you’re serious about the revolution, that will require very careful inquiries. Don’t go to a bar and ask, it doesn’t work that way.
    All the food is great but I recommend the Fauci Lasagna or the Fauci Eggplant Parmesan. Both are are made with bat curry, but don’t worry, they use fruit bats.

I Visit the Ut’ishsih People To Explore the Utd’mbts Language (Part 3)

After Lunch I Outlined My Strategy to Utcoozhoo

    Utcoozhoo said, “I hope you enjoyed your Fauci Lasagna.”
    “Yes, very much, Thanks… What was that extra tangy flavor?”
    “You probably mean the blue cheese, but there are five other ones… Well, the chef says it’s top secret, ha. So, can you outline your approach to the translation conumdrum? I’m assuming that for now you feel that English speakers will want a verbal and written form.”
    “Well, um, yes…”
    “Tiglekso. Don’t worry and proceed as if fog will water the desert.”
    “OK. Well, the reason I’m starting this way is because the English concept of ‘telepathy,’ is mostly taboo.”
    “Yes, from my understanding of the jargon, it’s unstable at best, and not at all like yibirmigiv. Uayi?”
    After having a thought implanted into my mind, I said aloud, “I see… that’s definitely not translatable into a few English words.”
    “So would you teach yibirmigiv?”
    “No, I don’t think so. But I’d say, it could be described by a few hundred words well enough as a start, and those words could be named and labeled with a single new word.”
    “So, how would you describe the existence of yibirmigiv without frightening them?”
    “I’d start a new jargon devoid of the present negative connotations…. a sort of benign obfuscation. Maybe something like: A functional daydream that is not a detachment from external communication, but a conscious vision involving two people. An agreement to communicate in a mutual fantasiascape.”
    “Hmm, yes, I can see why you can’t start with that. So where do you begin?”
    “Well, before that, let me ask you a question: what would be your thoughts on Bukyg, the telling of history?”
    “Hmm, my thoughts in English. That’s ironic: English itself doesn’t actually have ‘thoughts’. But, anyway… There have been many books in English. Each is a distortion of a different kind, a glorified hearsay — the gossip of the conquerors, the elites, the propagandists, ravings of madmen with charisma and minor magic. It is the written word of major and minor egomaniacs, words from scribes of the dominate class driven mad by their self-importance; words from scribes of minorities driven mad by their oppression waiting for their revenge and reversal of role when they will rule and write with a new kind of madness. All of these are the scribbles that blot the world with cycles of boom and bust of ever larger magnitude, notation for melodies symphonic and chaotic, with a tone of hope in overture, an interlude of cacophony, percussion like tornadoes. History of clash. Not enlightening…”
    “Well, I’d label that ‘Bukyg’. In English maybe that would be explained as the root thought of ‘obfuscating and propagandizing’, and then parameters would be added in a prefix or suffix. We’re starting with a transliterated old-lower Utd’mbts root in Latin alphabet letters which by necessity will be a simplified stand-in, and then I think that as a temporary measure we will use English present participles whose functionality can be more easily recognized by English speakers. It would be a type of pidgin. When you’re teaching history, you’re actually Bukyg-ing.”
    “Well,” Utcoozhoo said as he struggled to not do the ubemuwx game, “do you have another example?”
    “I saw a prologue for a TV show that was a metaphor for obsessions and compulsions that lead to murder, and I was thinking of how an Utd’mbts word is like the name of a TV episode in that it is an underlining concept.”
    “So you’re going about this backwards: you’re searching for screen plays and movies in English and trying to match them to Utd’mbts words. Since Utd’mbts already exists, shouldn’t you just listen to it and then compose a new ‘screen play’ to explain it?”
    “Well, since you are the central conceit of a fictional drama, that makes for a problem,” I said.
    “Cogito ergo sum.
    “Oh Kievifkwa,” I said, “I’m having this conversation with you because no one else will speak to me about this project, and without comment or feedback, I think I will never finish. Actually, logic would say that it is futile. I think that rather than do this, death would be better than humiliation.”
    “It is true that death approaches. I will miss you. In the meantime, what?” Utcoozhoo demurred.
    “Um, well, it’s like… you taste blue cheese for the first time. It’s delicious and you get a real pleasure high, and whatever anxiety you may have had goes away for a moment as you savor it….”
    “and then, you see packages of it everywhere, in stores, in restaurants, in windows, in salad dressing… and you eat more and more even though you know it’s bad for you and you become morbidly obese. But despite the consequences you keep doing it…”
    “A compulsion?”
    “Yes, the thoughts (obsessions) and the compulsions,” I said.
    “And so what are the auxiliary parameters. This is not quite a complete concept. Don’t you think?”
    “Um, yeah, there’s more to the screen play. I’m getting to it. It’s hard to explain.”
    “Tiglekso. Go on.”
    “In the episode, the son of a psychopath can never please his Father who treats him harshly. His father is an anti-government fanatic and he wants his son to follow and espouse radical ideas. Whenever he son says something positive or optimistic he condemns him for being weak.”
    “Yes, brainwashing children is a common form of abuse. OK, so where does this fit in?”
    “Alright, so, here’s the auxilary addition to the metaphor, I think: He develops an obsession with using parts from an old devices to build heating elements and he looks for ways to make a timer. He desperately seeks the love of his Father and finally gets some praise by building the elements of a bomb using the timer, and explains to his Father how he can use fertilizer and gasoline as an explosive.”
    “So it’s headed for a compulsion to do violent things to please his father?” guessed Utcoozhoo.
    “I guess so. I think I’m getting lost. Maybe it’s that a pleasure is found to be objectified as a method for reducing anxiety, and then as a habit or tool, it is used whenever any anxiety is triggered from any source, even unrelated things.”
    “It’s beginning to sound a little like the old Utd’mbts root mykanbu. but…”
    “Yes, I know, ubemuwx! But I have to start somewhere…”
    “Well,” said Utcoozhoo, “identify the two main elements and the various permutations, or should I say perversions?”
    “I think I’m going to be sick… this is much too complicated. I think I’ve barely begun, and this project is dead…”
    “Tiglekso. Just contain as much information as you can in the root word or loosely, the story. Then decide what’s going to be on the outside, such as the names of the two main characters, or possibly more parameters. Decide on the density of the prefix or suffix words. Begin this process a little at a time.”
    “Oh hell Kievifkwa,. I think I’m going to vomit.”

In case you missed it:

Part 1
Part 2
Fauci Lasagna