We Love to Drink the Kool-aid & Eat the Fauci Lasagna For Peace

Let Us Praise the Song of Silence and Obfuscation, the Glory of Censorship

As everyone knows by now, an artificially created virus leaked from a lab in Wuhan China. It killed your Grandmother, Mother, or other, due to the outlawing of therapeutics, and the lying antics of Mr. Science the obfuscator-in-chief. You do know now that two major leaders were nearly killed by the CCP if it were not for experimental mono-clonal antibodies. The not to be named leaders of the US and UK nearly died. Unfortunately, the children are easily brainwashed with the help of congressional abusers of the truth, slaves to Marxist theories which lead to dictatorships of the elites, well intentioned but as history shows a recipe for the death of millions.

Caesar Drank the Kool-aid,Dead With Poetry

Drink the Kool-aid & eat the Fauci Lasagna

by Douglas Gilbert
Back in 2023
a few were brave enough
to believe and know the truth
about the lab leak, but

a majority
drank the Kool-aid, and
ate the Fauci Lasagna
because they thought
Karl knew best
and led the children
to accept the Chinese
coup d’etat

And now it is too late
to stop the remaining seduction

Everything is a lie,
an insipid poison

Everything lies in stages
layers of noodle jargon
cheesy slogans of deceit

First on stage was a scene where
our Karl valued Freedom of Speech
as a dear friend when he could shout
and denounce in the streets, but
young deluded Karl has told you that
Freedom of Speech (FOS) is
that canard, that Caesar; Karl said
Death to Caesar
Death to Freedom of Speech.

Oh the easily brain-washed children,
and their shameless shamen teachers
and their abusing political hacks.

No more parents, no more adults.
If I am silenced, do I agree?

I remember when as satirist
I came to interr Caesar
not to praise him

They said that Caesar
had ambitions to free the world
but failed to keep his promises

For a day I spoke when
Karl of the children did deign
to let me speak a moment
before the wrath of Xi
silenced my voice

Young Marx did love Caesar for a nanosecond
but ancient times are gone, save though
the middle kingdom rises again

They let Fauci be Brutus too
pitching the first ball
for a long journey

The journey of a ball
begins with a bat…

Drink the Kool-aid & eat the Fauci Lasagna

Marks and Angles1

An old word on a path
of a thousand miles
just a saying, hurrah

uh damn, just saying a journey
begins with a single faux pas
said Laozi
not Confucius

More than a two-step to completion
of propaganda and subversion —
it takes a bat and a virus to conquer.

China had a plan
and knew fanfares:
peace on the road
to be woven,
friendships for
fair weather, bounties
before a storm,

a word in malice
a step,
Jane’s tale
was to fail
in bans pretty soon.

The Wuhan plague
brought chaos, and then

when all the local stores failed
the aristocrats pro temp bought them
and Jane’s requiem began to play, hey

In a word
Jane had gone batty
over the Summer:

older daughter home,
younger daughter beaten
dead by the gangs, and

the moans and groans
of the speakers droning;
Jane had gone batty

she had been annoyed by
the constant stun chants
of the Chinese lessons
mandatory to earn guanxi
as in Nineteen Eighty-Four

But she had enjoyed the fantasy
that fall would be glorious, for
the eldest jumped for joy
when accepted to
a tuition-free school
as good as Harvard, a
part of the Red Ivy League, funded by
a Confucius Friendship Society

Pandora’s virus box
had bats in it for Jane.

Her daughter indulged her
by sending hand-written messages
by the old snail-mail

It was lonely, eye damp;
all of Jane’s neighbors
took the trains out to
re-education camps.

Her daughter’s letters were
incoherent she began to think,
or was it that she was going mad?

A government grant check
came with a tech letter
asking her to memorize
the manifestoes

Pandora’s virus box
had bats in it for Jane.

Her decline was sealed
the day the grocery store
checked her credit score:
The princeling who owned it
refused to serve her because
she didn’t have enough caution
in social credits for conformity:
a black mark for twice not
wearing a red mask and
not passing her basic
Chinese language test.

All the stores had been
taken over by the princelings
after the coup d’etat, so
Jane had to walk far away
for Amerigo Supermarkets.

Walking was a complicated fate:
she had to hang with
the ‘hood committee
to negotiate with the gangs
just for a safe passage.
(The citizen’s police
had no guns anymore)

Her daughter indulged her
with an incoherent letter,
left off the “love” valediction —
no closing remarks, but
just odd disjointed slogans:
“repentance and confession,”
“remedial Mandarin,”
“Help Mom,” and
“Truly Transform”

The gangs received
new Chicago weapons,
joined the mask militia
or went back to the well

burned the Constitution
in a sunrise red fire
by the dawn’s early light

Proudly, great progress
was hailed without bullets
on the conveyance belt
and hellion roadway

John, offering hope, was long gone.
Pandora’s virus well
had bats in it for Jane.

Well, sitting at a window
Jane without living water
a heart attack

Love China,
or well

1“Faustti Poems and Jousts”









Oops, Your Grandmother Was Murdered With The Money From Fauci To Make a Man-made Virus For Science

Accidental War-crimes Is So Chic When Fauci the Great Is An Angry Victim of Being Caught

    Even allowing for split culpability, Fauci the Great is responsible for financing a criminal enterprise related to bio-tech. In the early years its true nature as a gain-of-function highly risky research project was only discussed in the press underground and was known in a jocular fashion by its code-name, Fauci Lasagna. Due to the millions of dollars of bribes paid to the “the little guy, Mr. H,” China was able to forbid the US government and US press from speaking against China. They were given their orders and they obeyed. Their propaganda was mostly successful with the aid of major news outlets. China’s investment in “the little guy” has paid off.
    However, the true nature of the virus was talked about in a few private comedy clubs frequented by disgruntled scientists known as the Jargoneers who insisted on using banned vocabulary and taboo phrases such as “gain-of-function” research and the “furin cleavage site.”
    Dr. Robert Redfield was one of the few to speak out in public.1 He said that super-charged human-to-human transmission was not at all like what happens in the progression of other similar coronaviruses, and that such unaided rapid evolution was not plausible in a natural setting.
    If the truth would be told, Fauci the Great is responsible for the death of 7 million people, the closing of businesses and of schools, and more. But of course the truth will never be told.
    Perhaps, the Great man will retire to Elba Island to contemplate Napoleon’s exile. It’s unlikely that a War Crimes Tribunal in the Hague will ever be convened.
    The origin of the Covid virus has been known definitively for years at least as early as the publication of Nicholas Wade’s article2 showing the obvious signs of wild experiments in the sloppy Wuhan lab in China that provided all their data to the Chinese military authorities making it a de facto germ warfare lab or bio-weapons research unit.
    Shi Zheng-li or “Bat Lady” with the help of Fauci funding engineered coronaviruses to attack human cells. It has certainly been on the public record at least since the Nicholas Wade article and actually before that. He gathered and summarized what was well known in the cowardly scientific community, but if they spoke up they would lose their grants, reputation, and job. The unusual arginine RNA codons were the smoking gun. The odd choice for coding arginine was not seen in nature, but was only used in the laboratory as a convenience because it was easier to make than the natural kind.
    In short, it was well known that gain-of-function research or any of its euphemisms and changed names equivalents was extremely dangerous, and despite Fauci and the Bat Lady being told this, they made sure that the research would be funded and would proceed full speed ahead, recklessly, in a poorly maintained lab in Wuhan.

1“Former CDC Director Robert Redfield defended the theory that COVID-19 escaped from a Chinese lab, arguing the deadly bug’s efficient human-to-human spread contradicted the behavior of other deadly coronaviruses with similar profiles — and was simply not ‘biologically plausible.’ ” —
    Ex-CDC chief Robert Redfield explains belief COVID came from China lab
By Yaron Steinbuch
June 15, 2021

2The first exposé: “The origin of COVID: Did people or nature open Pandora’s box at Wuhan?” By Nicholas Wade | May 5, 2021