Famous Quotations In Latin As Poetry Prompts

Famous Latin Phrases Can Be Inspiration for Poetry

Noli bibere aquam dulcem cantare e faucibus,lasagna carmina de labiis mendacibus tuis*

~ [Don’t drink the Kool-aid and eat the Fauci Lasagna] ~
From the throat of the ancient Romans comes much advice. They had sayings about everything. What have you learned from this famous Latin phrase? I heard that in Shakespeare’s “Julius Caesar” first draft which was never published that Caesar died from Kool-aid poisoned with cyanide by a cabal. Today we have other intrigues.

Let Every Scientist Have Funding To Perform de facto Germ Warfare Research

Mr. Science made a deal with the Devil to become powerful and famous and among other things became an accessory to the crime of shutting down the schools. He did nothing directly to be responsible for many other crimes he was an accessory to. He gave money to the Wuhan Lab through an intermediary which created man-made viruses that are more infectious than the natural ones. It leaked out in October of 2019 when 3 lab workers got sick with COVID-like symptoms. Our satellites saw that suddenly all the roads around the lab were closed, and all the cell-phones were turned off. Some whistle-blower scientists were put in jail, and some “disappeared” or possibly were killed. They were doing “gain-of-function” research which is very dangerous. It changes a segment of a natural virus which does not infect respiratory human cells and adds something which allows it to infect human cells and spread easily from human to human.Hence, it gains a new “function”, the ability to attack human lung cells.

Faustti, Collards, and Sheez in the Hague

Things escape notice
with a nod.

Originating from non-existence,
the Scientist is King, soul immaterial
because viable Science is God.

For an elegant experiment
the Death Penalty
is worth the risk.

Things escape
whisked away

Anthony Faustti is known as a hero
for his crowing expositions
on gain-of-function obfuscation

Things escape notice, a tale of
the devil in the details; failure
depends on whose details are scored.

The Death Penalty is a neighbor’s ox
worth the risk if it is gored.

Faustti not quite Richard the 3rd.
in a Shakespearean box, but

The pleas are constructed.
Oh “Context, context,” in Tony III:
“My Kingdom for a bat out of hell…”**

Three million dead by gain-of-function
is a modest amount, good for overpopulation.

Plagues are normal episodes, mostly
a beneficial culling of non-scientists,
often happens in a people’s paradise
for the benefit of the Swiftian gullible
who know the poor, frail and old
will pay the price, cold-shouldered
in their malaise, hastened to oblivion

Faustti, Collards, and Sheez
say the Juvenalian are Juvenile.

But measured by The Black Plague
this population reduction does not
fit a vague standard drawn by lot

Do not let be
such outrages of incompetence.
Death is needed.

In such circumstance
one would not oppose
a convening of an
ad hoc Criminal Tribunal
for “The Mechanism”
at the United Nations
(a simple firing not
being sufficient), and

needling, since
a hypodermic firing squad
is already appointed and
waiting in the wings of a bat,

let Swiftian justice call for
swift execution.
* Don’t drink sweet water singing from your throat, lasagna songs from your lying lips

**King Richard the Third, by William Shakespeare; “A horse! A horse! My kingdom for a horse!”
act 5, scene 4

For poetry prompt:
Latin QOTD

Definition of “A Fauci Lasagna”

    A Fauci Lasagna is a more subtle and pervasive propaganda product than a Machiavellian vehicle when Science has replaced God in authority. There is some quibbling over semantics but “A Fauci Lasagna” is basically any well-crafted propaganda tool that has proven to be efficacious over many years for hiding dangerous research, distorting the results of clinical trials, ‘creative’ editing of scientific papers, and for enhancing money laundering techniques to support it.

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